The Pajottenland is an agricultural region of Belgium, near Brussels. The territorial lecture of the Pajottenland by mapping the region allows us to clearly identify and analyse the different characteristics of this region and its land organisation. The main type of housing is still the traditional housing, but as everywhere else in Flanders, we witness a phenomenon called “Sprawl”. This means that the new constructions are built around the existing roads. This situation creates an uninterrupted built area, splitting up the countryside. We explored the scenario of a future where productive villas would become the new typologies of housing in this region. One of our proposals is to implant the project in a logistics site. As the countryside is already well covered by concrete, this location would allow to save space and bring life in those industrial areas. This series of photos was inspired by the work of Lewis Baltz « The new industrial parks near Irvine California », and was used as a way to identify the difference elements and problematics surrounding those logistic sites.